Tagged: motive

No Proselytization

Congress of the Jewish Religious Organizations...

Image via Wikipedia

Reading through the latest posts this morning, I found myself wondering how a dear Jewish friend of mine might read the exact same words.

And since a couple things I’ve said could cause confusion, I’m concerned about making it really clear what this blog is NOT.

FRIENDING ISRAEL is not some new blog strategy for evangelizing Jewish people. Any inspiration it gives its readers is not meant for  proselytizing or turning Jewish people into converts. Even though I don’t see how any posts so far would  even begin to do that, I want you to hear it straight from me: that is not my agenda.

If I did have an “agenda,” I guess you could best describe it two ways. First, for believers who care about Israel and its people to have all the tools they need to make a difference by standing alongside while, at the same time, helping other believers figure out how to do the same. And then, maybe as a result, for Jewish people to know who their friends are.

Talking with Michele (see above) has shocked me into realizing Jewish people have many good reasons to be suspicious about Christians’ motives. Because of that, and because of deep respect for friends like Michele, I’m inviting any Jewish readers browsing this blog to relax. Come and go as you like, scrutinize whatever you find here …  and in case you see red flags, please call me on it.

Very sincerely,

